Joint PhD program of the University of Münster and the
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine

Online Submission of Applications

Please fill in the required information in the boxes below (copy and paste biographical data from your application form) and upload the required files.
The submission has to be done in one session. It is not possible to save incomplete online applications.
You are asked to name two referees. We may contact the referees directly if further information is needed.

Mandatory fields are marked by an asterisk (*)

Personal details:

First / Given name * Family name *
Martial status
Nationality *
Date of birth *Year: Month: Day:

Address for correspondence:

Institution (if applicable)
Street *
City *
Zip code *
State (if applicable)
Country *
Phone including country code *
FAX including country code
E-mail * one E-mail address only!
Confirm E-mail *

University education:

Highest Degree awarded (or expected to be awarded by 1st October this year) *
Date of award / expected date of award *
Note: If you hold 2 degrees of the same kind (e.g. 2 Masters) please give data for the most recent one.
Year: Month:
Subject (e. g. Biology, Biotechnology) *
University / College awarding the degree, City and Country *
If you hold 2 degrees of the same kind (e. g. 2 Masters) please give subject of the second degree


Given name Family name e-mail
First referee *
One E-mail address only;
institutional e-mail address if available
Second referee *
One E-mail address only;
institutional e-mail address if available

We may contact the referees directly if further information is needed.

Upload your application:

Upload your complete Application Form here * (as pdf file)
Upload your transcripts / record of study / certificates here * (only ONE pdf-file is possible)

Preferred CIM-IMPRS groups

Here you choose 1-3 CiM-IMPRS groups which you find interesting und where you would prefer to do your PhD.

Please go to “Application” on our website and read paragraph 1 of “Written application” very carefully before you choose groups. Do not choose groups marked with "No positions via CiM-IMPRS in 20.." (see “Projects” or ”Faculty” on our website).

Please use the pull-down menus to make your choice. Note that you have to choose at least one group.

If you would like to work in a particular subgroup please name the head of the subgroup in the comment field.

Mandatory fields are marked by an asterisk (*).

I would prefer to do my PhD in these groups: *
Your question / comment:

How did you learn about CiM-IMPRS? *


Before you submit your application you may wish to print this page. Please use the print button of your browser.

Upon submission you will receive an e-mail with your registration code and information for your referees on how
to submit their recommendations.





This registration system has been created by S. Greber and W. Grieger, GWDG, Göttingen, based on Lotus Software.