Application for a Master Stipend of the IMPRS for Condensed Matter Science

This registration form has to be filled in English according to the guidelines provided.
All fields marked with an ! are obligatory.
Please fill in the registration form and check all entries, before you click the START button.
Please note that you can not change your data once they are submitted!
After successful online submission you will receive confirmation by e-mail to the address you provided.
This e-mail message contains your registration number required for the application.

1. Personal information

1.1 Personal data

!Family name:
!Given name:
Middle name(s):
!Date of birth:Day: Month: Year:
!City of birth:
!Country of birth:
Your e-mail address must be valid and reachable during registration process or online registration will fail.
!E-Mail address (only one):

1.2 Address valid for the entire admission process

!Postal zip code:

2. Education
2.1 Colleges or universities attended (current enrollment)

Please list current or most recent enrollment, degree awarded or expected.
!College or university:
!Date attended,from Month: Year: till Month: Year:
!Degree awarded/expected:
!Date awarded/expected:Month: Year:
!Major field(s) of studies:
Title of thesis:
Please indicate your cumulative GPA or percentage, if applicable, together with the maximum value
which can be achieved at your college or university:
Grade Point Average (GPA): out of possible

2.2 Colleges or universities attended (earlier enrollment, if applicable)

Please list earlier enrollment, degree awarded if applicable.
College or university::
Date attended,from Month: Year: till Month: Year:
Degree awarded:
Date awarded:Month: Year:
Major field(s) of studies:
Title of thesis:
Please indicate your cumulative GPA or percentage, if applicable, together with the maximum value
which can be achieved at your college or university:
Grade Point Average (GPA): out of possible

2.3Honors, scholarships, prizes and awards

Please list any awards you have obtained (if relevant to this application) with dates and a short description (maximum of 1000 characters).

2.4Language tests

Have you taken a language test?
If yes, which one:
Please add a hardcopy of the result to your documents.
GRE Test:
Score:verbal: quantitative: analytical:
Date:Month: Year:
Please add a hardcopy of the result to your documents.

3. References
3.1 Referee 1

Please list the name and contact data of the first referee who will write a letter of recommendation on your behalf.
!Family name:
!Given name:
!E-Mail address (only one):
Please give www address of institution or referee:

3.2Referee 2

Please list the name and contact data of the second referee who will write a letter of recommendation on your behalf.
!Family name:
!Given name:
!E-Mail address (only one):
Please give www address of institution or referee:

4. Choose the Master Program
!I have / I will apply for the M.Sc. Program for M.Sc. in

5. How did you learn about the program?
Please indicate how you learned about the program.

6. Outside interests

Please list your outside interests that are not related to your university degree (maximum of 1000 characters).

7. Document upload

!Please add supporting documents
(eg. CV, transcripts) as
one PDF file here:

8. Information on data processing in conformity with Art. 13 General Data Protection Regulations

Purpose and legal basis of the processing
The collected data will be processed for the purpose of assessment, statistics and evaluation only. The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6, para. 1, letter b) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and § 26, paragraph 1 of the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).
Applicants to the IMPRS-CMS will be asked to provide personal data. In the online application form, all fields marked with * are mandatory. All fields that are not marked are optional. Applicants can provide this information on a voluntary basis. The legal basis is your consent based on Art. 6, para. 1 letter a) of the GDPR. Should you wish to withdraw your consent to process any optional data, please contact contact@imprs-cms.mpg.de.

Use of data and duration of storage
The evaluation process of the IMPRS-CMS is conducted by the Max Planck Society and the Principal Investigators located at the University of Stuttgart. Applications will be evaluated and reviewed by the members of the Board of the IMPRS-CMS as well as external reviewers inside and outside the European Union and the European Economic Area. The legal basis of these transfers is Art. 49 para. 1 letter b) of the GDPR. Access to the collected data will be granted for the purpose of evaluation via state-of-the-art methods of encoding.
Personal data will be stored until the end of the application process. Legal retention periods remain unaffected.

Your rights
You have the right to receive information about your personal data stored by us at any time. Likewise, you have the right of correction, blocking or deletion of your personal data.
To do this, please contact contact@imprs-cms.mpg.de. You can also request the deletion of the data, as long as no legal archiving obligation stands against this request. As far as such an obligation exists, we lock your data on request. You can make changes or revoke your consent by notifying us with effect for the future. You also have the right to submit an objection to the supervisory authority. For the MPG, this is the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision (Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht), Postfach 606, 91511 Ansbach.

Contact details of Data Protection Officer
The Data Protection Officer of the Max Planck Society is Heidi Schuster, Hofgartenstraße 8, 80539 Munich, telephone: +49 89 2108-1554, email address: datenschutz@mpg.de.

9. Assurance of complete and truthful information and statutory declaration
I confirm that all information given in the online registration is complete and correct. Copies of my certificates are true copies without any changes. I am aware that false information, given intentionally or unintentionally, will be considered a misdemeanor and will immediately result in my being excluded from the admission procedure or – if later detected – from the membership of the International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science. I declare that I am fluent in written and spoken English.

I consent to the storage of my personal data for application and admission purposes. According to the German privacy law all data of not admitted applicants will be deleted after completion of the selection procedure.

Press START button to register. Successful registration will be confirmed by email.

Please note that you can not change your data once they are submitted!

This registration system has been created by S. Greber and W. Grieger, GWDG, Göttingen,.