Online Application Portal
"Discovering Structure in Complex Data"

RTG 2088
University of Göttingen

Welcome to the Online Application Portal for doctoral researcher positions in the Research Training Group
"Discovering Structure in Complex Data: Statistics meets Optimization and Inverse Problems"
at the University of Göttingen

For questions concerning the content please contact:Prof. Dr. Gerlind Plonka-Hoch

Screening of applications will stop when the positions are filled.

Note that you have to hold an M.Sc. degree (or equivalent) for a doctoral researcher position, and a PhD degree for a postdoc position.
Applicants should have and prove very good English and German language skills.

Technical advice:

The following 7 pdf documents are required to be uploaded:

1.Motivation letter (German or English, max 400 words), indicating your specific interest in the RTG, your interdisciplinary experiences and highlighting your personal strengths for the respective position.
2.Curriculum Vitae (German or English)
3.Provide a copy of the original certificate of your highest degree obtained (e.g. M.Sc. or equivalent). If your certificate is not issued at the time of application, upload a transcript of records and send the copy of the certificate as soon as possible to
4.Transcript of record of highest degree obtained (M.Sc. or equivalent) in English or German, if document 3 is issued in another language.
5.Abstract (max 250 words) of last thesis written (M.Sc. or equivalent), including thesis title.
6.One recent writing sample (paper or full thesis).
7.Names and full contact details (incl. phone and email) of two academic reference persons and permission to contact them in order to obtain relevant information on your qualification for the RTG.

Persons, who are already employed at University of Goettingen and wish to be associated doctoral students of the RTG do not need to upload
the documents 5,6,7 and translations of certificates.

The pdf documents 8 and 9 are required to be uploaded, if more than one academic degree has been obtained. A photo (pdf-file) is optional:

8.Provide copies of the original certificates of the further academic degrees (e.g. B.Sc. or M.Sc. for postdoc applicants).
9. Transcript of the documents in 8 in English or German, if these documents are issued in another language.
10.If you are not native speaker in English or German, we require a proof of English language skills.
11.If you are not native speaker in German, you may optionally provide a proof of German language skills.

Please name the documents in the following way:
(using your own surname and first name)



All uploaded documents should be pdf files.
Each document should not be larger than 10 MB, all documents together should not exceed 100 MB.

In order to access the online application, you need to enable JavaScript in your browser.

In order to access the online application you need to accept the Security-Certificate edited by DFN (Deutsches Forschungs-Netz) using the
Deutsche Telekom Root Certificate.

Some browsers delete all entries after using the back-to-form-button. Please ensure that all data are preserved before sending the data.
This also holds for the upload areas.

If the application process is interrupted for any reason, all data will be lost and a new application must be filled.

After an application has been submitted, changes are no longer possible.

We would like to ask you for your patience during the selection process.

After having submitted your application, you will receive a confirmation email to the address you have provided.
Should you not receive a confirmation email after 15 minutes, please contact
Sigrun Greber,
Dr. Wilfried Grieger,

I confirm that:
I have read and understood the above text. I agree to the stated conditions and would like to participate in the online application process.